Samantha on Somatics: Coming Home to Your Body

Get ready to meet Samantha, an executive coach and somatic practitioner who specializes in fostering self-awareness and growth. This October, Samantha will be co-leading our highly anticipated workshop Blooming Bodies: Coming Home to Your Body Through Somatics, where she’ll share her wisdom on tuning into the body’s subtle messages and emotions.

We sat down with Samantha to get to know her a little better and uncover the heart behind her practice. Drawing from a range of modalities—conscious leadership, IFS, somatic experiencing, family constellations, and the Enneagram—she works with individuals, partner dynamics, and teams. Her belief is that we are on a journey of remembering who we already are—whole, enough, and complete. She’s also the founder of EnneOne and Chetana.

From her favorite simple somatic rituals to her beautiful words of wisdom on embracing life’s emotional waves, Samantha shares remarkably achievable ways to integrate a more embodied, present way of living into our every day.

Join Us! Blooming Bodies: A Somatics Workshop in Sunnyside

Blooming Bodies: A Somatic Event with Hey, Joni.

If you’re curious to learn more about how somatic practices can help you reconnect with yourself and your emotions, don’t miss the chance to meet Samantha in person at our Blooming Bodies event on October 1st.

Join us as we explore the profound connection between mind and body, and take part in a somatic circle that will leave you feeling grounded, present, and deeply attuned to your inner wisdom. Spaces are limited—rsvp asap!

Samantha on Somatics

How do you guide someone who is just starting to explore somatics and may be unfamiliar with its concepts?

I begin by inviting them to feel the earth beneath their feet, to notice the gentle rise and fall of their breath, and to let themselves settle into the quiet intelligence of their own body. Somatics, at its heart, is a journey of returning to this present, embodied experience. It’s not about mastering techniques but learning to listen—to the subtle messages our bodies have always been sending us.

What is your favorite somatic practice or exercise for someone looking to bring more body awareness into their daily life?

Begin with the breath. It’s the anchor to the present. Take five deep breaths, in and out, feeling the air fill your lungs, then leave. Another is to bring awareness to your surroundings—notice the colors, textures, and sounds that surround you, as if seeing them for the first time. These small practices are gateways to presence, always waiting to be opened.

And if you really want to spice up your embodiment practice, two fun practices to explore with friends are: ecstatic dance to begin to find your divine feminine, and a rage room to step into any anger you’re holding in the body.

What’s a small change someone could make today to be more in tune with their body’s signals?

Create small pauses in your day. Before responding to an email, before standing up from your chair, or after a conversation, take a breath. In that breath, check in with your body. What’s it telling you? A small moment of attunement can transform how you move through the world.

MAD LIBS With Samantha ⭐️ You Glow Girl Edition.

Profile titled 'Meet Samantha.' The text highlights Samantha's reflections and advice, including her need for more surfing and ocean time, and her current focus on slowing down and trusting herself. Key quotes include: 'RN, I’m LOVING slow everything,' 'Advice I’d give to my 10-year-old self: You are already enough,' and 'In a world of noise, be the signal.' Samantha also shares her favorite way to unwind—being in water or simply breathing. The image promotes Samantha’s involvement in the Blooming Bodies Somatic Workshops hosted by Hey, Joni., with a call to message for details. The design features soft, muted colors with blue text and Hey, Joni.'s logo at the bottom.

Ask me about the quiet in between breaths.

I need more surfing or ocean time in my life.

And less trying to be productive.

RN, I’m LOVING slow everything.

Advice I’d give to my 10-year-old self: You are already enough.

Advice I’d give to a bestie who’s going through a rough patch: Move towards the emotions—sadness, anger, grief—there is wisdom there.

My favorite way to unwind is to get in a body of water or to simply breathe.

This year, my focus is on trusting myself and the universe (that’s it for me).

Simplicity is healing the over-complication of our lives.

You’d be surprised to learn how often we already know the answers we seek.

In a world of noise, be the signal.

Quote: In a world of noise, be the signal." overlaid on a peaceful image of the sea

Samantha’s Recos

To Read: Initiation by Elisabeth Haich

To Listen: Robert Edward Grant – Think Tank

To Watch: My Octopus Teacher

To Follow: Bayo Akomolafe

Connect with Samantha @

Our Blooming Bodies Workshop [Tickets]

Her website:

Or reach out to say “hey” at [email protected]