Oh Hey! Hiya. Howdy. Hellooooo!

You made it! We’re glad you’re here. Welcome to Hey, Joni. We’re an editorial & lifestyle brand looking to amplify fresh, diverse, thought-pushing perspectives that cut through the noise, and bring empathy, real-ness, humor, community & connection back to the forefront of the media we consume, with a mission of bringing peace & healing back to a society currently plagued by divisiveness & confusing rhetorical propaganda that doesn’t get us…anywhere.

We’re committed to real progress…especially for women & our kids…and fearlessly diving into the issues with transparency & vulnerability not easily found elsewhere. And most importably, some levity. In the grind of our daily realities, how do we come together, have a laugh, create a safe space to debate & dig into different points of view, share some honest tears & fears, while reminding each other what it means to be human again, and that at the end of the day, we’re more similar than we are different.

At our core, we’re curious AF, and are longing for a safe space to have honest, real & often controversial discourse on the issues affecting modern-day women, especially burnt-out, 40+ high-functioning but continually overstimulated mothers who’ve seen enough, and are ready to say so-long to the status quo.


Women 40+, especially high-achieving mothers, are BURNT OUT by trying to “do it all”,  and overstimulated to a point that our nervous systems never get a chance to settle down. [Source: McKinsey and Company]

The news cycle since our collective adolescence has been trauma after trauma after trauma after…. that hits both close to home and afar. The endless scroll, the constant triggers putting our bodies into a constant fight-or-flight response, and the feeling of helplessness and guilt that ensues, has left us feeling enraged, sad, stuck, guilty, depressed, repressed, and quite frankly, sick. [Source: American Psychological Association]

There’s a well documented loneliness epidemic in America. Over HALF (51%) of American mothers with young children feel “serious loneliness”, which is linked to an increased risk of health conditions such as dementia, heart disease, and stroke​​. (Note: This study is pre-Covid. We’ll find more updated sources soon.) Bottom line: We’re not doing that good.


The mind-body connection is real. And by bringing real-life COMMUNITY & CONNECTION to center stage, many of the ails we’re all experiencing in our day-to-day realities start to dissipate once we realize we’re more similar than we are different.

“It’s better to give than receive” is patriarchal gaslighting designed to make women feel that Motherhood = Martyrdom. Fuck that.

There’s a large collective of women & allies ready to shake up the status quo and FIGHT for a better reality for our ourselves and most importantly our kids than the one we’ve inherited.

WE ARE the “grownups” now. Sorry they put us in charge but that how it works. And it’s OUR TURN to recognize & openly acknowledge what circumstances got us here, and the good humans who pushed for Progress along the way. This is the place to lovingly shed the layers we’ve outgrown, while embracing the unknown, like a sexy, sleek, confident snake who’s finally feeling herself in her new skin or a new pair of not-yet-washed not-yet-worn denim that fits her fine ass like a glove. Let’s rise up, gals, and GLIDE confidently into the future. (Or a night out dancing?! Yes please!). What do we have to lose? What else is there left to lose?

Curious? So are we.

We’re looking for FRESH voices who have something to say. If you can back up your views with meticulous research, open-minded and truly ethical journalistic integrity to get to the ROOT of a story that’s generally buried under the surface, with the intent of making an impact…big or small…to start healing each other, and this beautiful, complex, messed up world we inherited. Call me. Maybe? (“Alexa, play Carly Rae Jepson.“)

With a conscious, research-backed and data-guided approach, let’s bravely bring our TRUTHS to the forefront, hear & celebrate diverse perspectives, seek common ground, and propose some IDEAS for how we can collectively HEAL together in the midst of modern-day madness. For ourselves & our daughters & sons, let’s fearlessly figure this out together. And have a lot of FUN while we’re at it.

Ready to say so-long to the status quo? Let’s go.

Say “Hey” at [email protected], and let us know why your passionate about progress.

“In a world of Karens, be a Joni.” Let’s tap into our inner-rage and channel more productive paths to peace. If we don’t heal ourselves first, how can we help heal the world we’re leaving our kids.

We don’t know all the answers, but we have lots of questions. Let’s dive in, shall we?

Can’t wait to hear what you have to SAY!


Karen Joan Kelty

Mother | Daughter  | Founder | Editor-in-Chief